Simon Filgis

Hardware and Software Development Consultant - CEO - Founder

Vlad Tap


My name is Vlad and I have a great passion for electronics. After finishing my B.Sc. in “Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” at Technical University of Munich, I continued my studies with a M.Sc. in “Power Engineering”.

  The bulk of my technical background comes mainly from HW development for battery management systems, power electronics and embedded design. A good amount of time was dedicated to End-Of-Line testing as well as  construction of manual and automated test set-ups.
During the battery management systems development phase, the main focus was ASIC selection, as well as test case definition and execution. Also the test boards with corresponding ASICs were observed during EMI Tests. Additionally design optimization was required as well. Another part of the task was building manual and automated test set-ups in addition to testing of the BMSs. 

The power electronics experience comes mainly from working over two and half years on a SRC power converter, with a power transfer capability of more than 100kW, that reached the B-phase in a prototype form. One of the main responsibilities in the project was designing a bidirectional current measurement circuitry with overcurrent detection capabilities and error trigger under 2μs. Another one was designing an over-current detection system, with the sole purpose of  protecting the IGBTs / MOSFETs. The circuit included filtering as well, in order to avoid false error triggering and had a propagation delay smaller than 2μs. Additionally, lots of layout, commissioning and optimization work was performed.

A good amount of time was invested in the embedded design and C programming. Here a broader spectrum of projects were built and programmed, ranging from battery circuits to sensors and GPS related ones.

Let us know about your problem and we will be happy to do our best and find a solution for you! 


Vlad (Hardware Developer)

Oussama Louati

Testing Expert / Software and Hardware Engineer

“Als Embedded Software Ingenieur mit über 6 Jahren Erfahrung und einem Master of Eng. aus Berlin kombiniere ich technisches Know-how mit modernsten Ansätzen, um leistungsstarke und zuverlässige Systeme zu entwickeln.” -Oussama Louati-

Marwa Gamal

I’m Marwa Gamal, a Software Developer at Ingenieurbüro Filgis. I am passionate about developing software tools that bridge hardware and engineering needs. With a versatile skill set, I constantly strive to approach challenges with innovative thinking and adapt to deliver practical solutions that truly make a difference.