Dear valued customer, partner, interested person,

this activity data dashboard is a dynamical representation of the working hours documentation of Ingenieurbüro-Filgis. The same data is used to generate invoices, that means the data is perfectly maintained. I'm used to document my time between 10 minutes up-to 2 hours. Every entry contains a "activity category" and "activity detail". The rest is pivot and google sites.

Please feel free to have a look, try to analyse my data. Feedback is appreciated very much.

Best regards,

Simon Filgis 

Only my own business, I'm working fix employed in the embedded electronics field since 2013.

I contribute, or have contributed, to the following list of projects:

Project May 24- today

VSCL Project November 23- today

CLTC Project November 23- September 24

Vidar Project November 23 - today

Shutter Project September 22 - November 23

RCN December 22 - June 23

BEZ June 22 - March 23

NFC April 22 - today

ALAS March 22 - June 23

CAC October 21 - November 2023

CAN-Tester September 21 - August 23

COCO2 November 20 - today